
Listen to what our customers have to say!

Matt Shumlas

Hi TJ, I have been meaning to send James Valley Scents my pictures and stories. I have used various scents for years, but the last 5 seasons I have used James Valley exclusively. Truth be told, my buddies at deer camp are sick of my “luck”. It’s not luck, I sit for long periods of time during my hunts, use the wind, eliminate human scent as best as I possibly can and use James Valley scents.

I have had 5 great bucks in 5 years in a row using James Valley. Once I tag out at camp, I share my secret strategy with my buddies and they are amazed at their opportunities and the deer they all of a sudden are taking. Last year we went 4 for 5 in our camp for bucks using James Valley Scents. The one guy who didn’t take a buck, shot at 2 different bucks and missed both. We should have gone 5 for 5. I normally use a scent drag and then place the scents 3 feet off the ground blowing towards where I expect the deer to come from. The last two years at our camp in Kentucky I had both of my deer each year walking down a hill, hit my scent drag trail and follow it right to the scent I had placed in a branch 3 feet off the ground. It wasn’t the same stand either, matter of fact, two different farms. The 2012 buck with the horseshoe on it was taken on my first afternoon in camp. Classic. I was about ready to climb down so I had started to gather my things and pack up. I look over and see a deer 100 yards away walking down the ridge, he hits my scent drag that I walked across the hill with knowing the deer walk down the ridge, he walks right on a line to 20 yards broadside. I couldn’t believe it, I redirected that deer’s movement to directly in front of my stand. Setting up on that trail, with deer walking down hill I would have them looking straight at me and get busted for sure. My buddy who was waiting at the truck for me said “let me guess, you’re showing up here 45 minutes after dark because you shot one on the first hunt?” I smiled and all he could do was shake his head. I’m having such a good time with Full Rut gel. My confidence is through the roof when I use it.

It’s bizarre I admit, I’m not paid or contracted with James Valley, just a very satisfied customer who will continue to purchase your products. Thanks for reaching out.


Matt Shumlas's children with prize deer
Matt Shumlas with prize deer
Matt Shumlas and other hunters with their game
Steve Oakes

Dear John, I’ve been using your scents and only your scents now for many years with great success.

November of 2008 I took this 200lb, 150 4/8, 11 pointer with an inside spread fo 31 inches using your Full Draw. When he came in over a hill, he had his nose pinned to the ground like a bird dog. When he stopped, it was where I ended the Full Draw scent trail. I took him where he stood with his nose still to the ground.

You weren’t lying about your scents bringing out the big old boys. I use your scents like they’re my little secret.

Steve Oakes – CT

Joel Goodman

MN Bear taken September 3, 2009. Largest bear I’ve taken to date. Weighed 350lbs dressed, scored 18 14/16 P&Y. I took this bear after applying a generous amount of Bruin Buster to the bait that morning. I’ve always been a believer in your deer scents and feel your bear lures are just as good.

Thanks for a great product!

Joel Goodman – MN

TB Deskins

Hey John, I took this big buck this season. I had placed some Wall Hanger Dominant Buck Lure Gel on a limb over a scrape and he came straight to it.

I had told some carpenters, who were re-roofing my house about your lures, and after they saw my trophys they had me place an order for 12 bottles of your deer lure.

T.B. Deskins – WV

Gene Wensel

Brothers of the Bow

Gene Wensel, Libertyville IA

Jeff Bailey

John, Had another good year with your scents. This 3 1/2 year old buck came in on my Full Rut scent trail. He was smelling my Full Rut scent bottle when I harvested him. Thanks again for an excellent product.

Jeff Bailey – TN

Chris Consler

Dear John, Enclosed is a picture of my son’s first deer taken using your products. I had been treating several scrapes with Wall Hanger and Full Rut when this buck showed up. We watched as he checked two scrapes along the field edge as he worked right to us. My son made a perfect 24 yard shot! He was so excited he asked me to hold his bow so he could sit down! Thank you for the great products and for the prompt service on orders.

Chris and Benjamin Consler – NY

Herschel Richardson

Thank you for making the best scents in the U.S.

Herschel Richardson – MI

Kevin Miner

Dear John, I had another successful deer season using Full Rut gel. I created numerous scrapes and had this large 8 point come in. He was chasing a small 6 point out of his territory and I was able to make a quick shot and kill him.

Thanks again for a great product, I have been using James Valley for over 20 years.

Kevin Miner – IL

Barney Gilbert

John, I shot this 9 pointer using Wall Hanger and Full Draw gel scent. It was like pulling him in on a string. Thanks for making a great quality scent. Your scents are second to none.

Barney Gilbert – PA

Bob Bandy

I have been using your scents for many of my deer/bear clients for years. This year I decided to “load-up” a spot of my own in Alberta. I laced a fence row with Full Rut and Full Draw. The enclosed picture shows the result. I nicknamed him “The Tank” as his live weight was close to 350 and green scored 180. You make a good product!

Bob Bandy
Bucks N Bears Guide Service – MD

Luis Wilson & Family

Just wanted to say thanks for caring about people’s money. I work hard for mine and have spent money on scents that didn’t work or have even spooked deer!

My first buck with bow put his nose on a rag of Full Rut when I was about 15 years old. I am now 35 and am still using your Full Rut Gel and Liquid scents. Here is my son and I in Oct. 2009 with a bow buck I got using your scents.

Luis Wilson & Family – IN

James Miller

I’ve used Wall Hanger for several years with success. On Nov. 14, 2009, I was sitting with my daughter Mallory – 14 years old. We had a nice 9 point come out at about 90 yards. When he got a whiff of my my Wall Hanger scent holder, he bristled his hair on his back and stiff legged over to scent. I think he was looking to fight, but my daughter was able to make a good shot because the scent stopped him long enough. This was her very first deer. She made dad very proud. Thank you for your great products.

James Miller – NC

Jim Waltz's prize deer

John, here is a picture of a nice Maryland deer I took with Wall Hanger and Full Draw. He came in and licked the cotton ball with Wall Hanger on it, turned back and walked away. Then, he turned around and came back for seconds. I got him with an arrow at 15 yards.

Jim Waltz – PA

Mikey Yates

Dear John, I shot this big buck using your Scrape Gel in a mock scrape. The buck walked out of a thicket about 80 yards away and walked directly up to the scrape. He was really worked up. He was licking the overhanging branch that I put the gel on and offered me a 17 yard shot. The buck scored 158 p/y and was 2nd in the state for largest buck killed with a bow. Wow!

Mikey Yates – SD

Mikey Yates
Kevin Miner

Dear John, I have taken two nice bucks here in IL with using a combination of Wall Hanger and Scrape Gel. I shot this buck with an arrow as he walked in to check the scrape. I also enclosed a picture of my 2010 buck. I shot him as he was trying to run off a small buck from the scrape I doctored with Wall Hanger. Thanks for the great products.

Kevin Miner – IL

Kevin Miner
Gary Christoffersen

Sorry to hear of John’s passing, my thoughts to his family and the staff at James Valley. I know he was dedicated to his product and I have used it for many years. Enclosed are to pictures of my dear hunt last fall. A nice 8 pointer I took and a 10 pointer that came past forty minutes later which I photographed from the base of my tree stand at 9 yards in my new WINDOWcamo camouflage and I was totally undetected. I had been using the James Valley Scents and had the deer coming and going in a frenzy.

Gary Christoffersen
Owner – Day One Camoflage – SD

Gary Christoffersen's buck
Patty Bronson

9 point buck I killed in Kentucky in 2013, the first year I started using your scent. Great products.

Patty Bronson

Larry Kindbeiter

Just wanted to drop James Valley an email and tell my 2013 success story. I shot 2 quality bucks that both came to the Lethal Weapon scent trails that I laid out.

On Halloween, I had a 9 point catch wind of the Lethal Weapon. He turned and followed the scent nose to the ground and stopped 20 yards from my tree broadside. My arrow hit the mark and I know the Lethal Weapon did its job of drawing him to my shooting lane.

Then on November 20th, while shotgun hunting, I laid a scent trail in a field that led to a strip of woods that backed up to a marsh about 60 yards from my stand. I walked to my stand and climbed into it. Before I could sit down, I looked out in the field and a big 7 point was standing where I laid the Lethal Weapon scent trail. He was smelling the scent and that was his mistake … my benefit. He came right to the Lethal Weapon.

2013 was my best deer hunting year by far in over25+ years of deer hunting. James Valley Lethal Weapon was the reason for my success – Lethal Weapon pulled in the bucks and all I had to do was make the shots. Great product and a customer for life going forward.

Thanks, Larry Kindbeiter, Delaware

Larry Kindbeiter
Gordon McNaney

Your lures are the best; used them for years. Two bow bucks November 2013. Thanks for all the hard work; used full draw and lethal weapon.

Gordon McNaney

Gordon McNaney's buck shot with a bow
J. Buck

James Valley, Here’s a buck I was able to get while bowhunting this weekend, a big Pennsylvania 10 pt. using Full Rut in a line of scrapes I set. By monitoring them, my buck visited 4 of the 5 scrapes with regularity and was ultimately his down fall.

Just received the shipment yesterday, thank you.

Talk with you soon,

J. Buck

Anthony Ambrosino

I have been hunting 35 years with my dad in New York State and have a lot of bucks under my belt but never harvested anything like this before. I have seen more bucks this year using the James valley scent I followed the directions that john puts in his book to a tee and have had great success . I have used many different scents but none comes even close to this . I use wall hanger before the rut and the once I seen that the rut was starting I use lethal weapon and full rut and full draw and combined them as directed in the book I seen bucks at ever post except one and was 10 yds from an 150 class 10 pointer that I couldn’t draw on and was hunting him when this 9 point 130 class came in full speed and stopped dead at my scent wick the rest is history . Also my partner harvested the other 9 pointer in the pic it was around the same size he never used scent in his life needless to say he was posted for 25 min and now he is sold thanks for a great product.

Anthony Ambrosino, New York

Anthony Ambrosino's buck
Anthony Ambrosino with two bucks
Anthony Ambrosino's two bucks
Jim Magill

Dear John, I primed some weak scrapes along a fence line with Wall Hanger. You wouldn’t believe the way the whole scrapeline exploded! The first time I hunted the area I had deer all around me and shot a 9-point buck. A doe and a button buck also responded well to Wall Hanger. I just can’t believe what Wall Hanger does to scrapes and how it seems to calm deer. You make a great product. Keep it up.

Jim Magill, Zelienople, PA

Mike Smith

John, Full Rut & Wall Hanger works again! This year’s buck was my 4th or 5th taken with James Valley. Thanks once again.

Mike Smith, Butler, PA

Gary Simpson

Loyal customer Gary Simpson, Pfafftown, NC and his 200”+ monster taken responding to Full Rut & Wall Hanger used in his ENE Scent Dispensers. This a true “Monster Whitetail.”

Paul Ostrum

John, I had 8 different bucks follow scent trails I laid down with Lethal Weapon. This one green scored 136”. I really have confidence in your products.

Paul Ostrum, Hayward, WI

Matt Mayer

Dear John, My dad has used your scents for years with great success. I’m 12 years old and this was my first bow kill. He came in on a scent trail my dad laid down with Full Rut. He has a 20” inside spread. Thanks for a great product.

Matt Mayer, Franklin, WI

Ken Mink

Customer Ken Mink, McKean, PA & a 29 1/2” wide, 174” gross beauty taken with Shane Hansen of Iron River, Alberta. Ken really likes our Full Rut Gel and Big John’s Ol’ West Barbeque Sauce!

Rob Manley

Hey John, Field tests on your new Lethal Weapon are complete! Results are now hanging on my wall! This is your best product yet and that is saying something! The wide 173” buck trusted his nose and it got him in a world of trouble. Thanks again.

Rob Manley, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Kevin Casey

Dear John, Once again your Full Rut scent did the job. This 147: Gross P&Y is the third large buck I have shot using Full Rut. I placed the scent on trees 20 yeards to both the left and right of my stand. When this buck came walking through he locked info the Full Rut, stopping him for a 15 yard broadside shot. He was so locked into the scent that he did not even hear my arrow squeak against the rest. When that happened, I thought I was in trouble, but thanks to your scent, I was OK. All 3 of the bucks that I mounted using your scents have locked into it when they were walking. One of them even left a hot doe he was trailing behind at a distance of 10 yeards and walked over to the rag that I had left hanging in the tree and stuck his nose in the rag. If I hadn’t seen it, I would have never believed it.

Kevin Casey, Cuba City, WI

Kirk Preti

John, I made a mock scrape with your Scrape Gel on the top and Full Rut down in the scrape. This beauty came by and stared at the scrape. He curled his lip back and “scent checked” the JVS treated scrape. Thanks for making the finest deer scents anywhere! They have made many a shot possible. Happy Trails!

Kirk Preti, Highwood, IL

Frank Murrick

I took this 20 1/2” boar with Frank Murrick of Tonapah Lodge in Cranberry Portage, Manitoba.This boar was only 65” long, but weighed right at 400 lbs.

Lee Weaver

This 300 lb. trophy was downwind with a sow. We had to stalk past the sow to get to him. We were only 20 yards upwind from the sow. Your No Scent saved us. No Scent is a must!

Lee Weaver, Rapid City, SD

Bob Watkins

I put out some Knock Out, your Black Bear Gland lure and a little of your Bear Sow in Heat Urine. The second night I had 8 bears on my bait. I usually see maybe one or two bears at a time, but 8? Incredible!

Thank you, Bob Watkins, Millbury, MA.

Zig Kertanis

Zig Kertanis, Enfield, CT, and a 20 3/16” blonde. Zig always uses our Sow-In-Heat gel.

Bob Macioch

John, I had another great experience with your product Using your Tree Top cover scent on a bear hunt in Canada, three different bears circled the tree stand trying to detect me. After circling all three bears came right into the bait. I wound up shooting two. Thanks again, John.

Bob Macioch, Levittown, NY

Rob Cetrone

Dear JVS, this year was great. I tried some of your Knock-Out on my 2nd night out an this large male went right to the tree. I smeared it on. He never went to the bait at all! Thank you.

Rob Cetrone, Maynard, MA

Dan Soldan

John, I have harvested 7 bears in 7 seasons and am thoroughly convinced that your scents and lures are one of the most important items a hunter can use to consistently increase the odds for taking trophy sized black bear! James Valley Scents produces outstanding results for me…time and time again! It is always one of the first things I pack on all my bear hunting adventures! The first time I used “Bruin Buster” I had 15 sightings on 8 different bears (in five days) and took a nice 325-pound boar. I have had even greater success combining “Bruin Buster” and your Sow-In-Heat urine together. That “awesome” combination has helped me to take several 300-pound plus bears. In this day and age of fast paced, poor quality, gimmicky items, it is reassuring to know that there are still people around like you and your staff at James Valley Scents, who insist on producing high quality products…year after year!

Dan Soldan, Houghton Lake, MI

Dave Thomas

While bear hunting in Ontario, I was introduced to your Knock-Out Bear Lure. Some hunters from Pennsylvania gave me some and I used it on the third night and shot this boar. It had a 19 1/4″ skull and weighed around 350 lbs. My hunting partner shot his bear the next night using Knock-Out also. Being a trapper for 40 years, I know how to appreciate a good lure. You sure have one!

Dave Thomas, Gerry, NY

John Wilebski

This 325 lb. boar was a “night hitter” until I used your Black Bear Gland Lure. It brought him in 2 hours before sunset!

John Wilebski, Greenbush, MN

Tom Taylor

Hello John, enclosed is a photo of a 500 lb., 20” P&Y black bear I took with bow and arrow in New Brunswick, Canada. Zig Kertanis sent me some James Valley Bear Sow in Heat Urine to try and after scent checking the bait sight four times in three days, this bear came to exactly where I had put out your Sow In estrus scent.

Tom Taylor, Edgartown, MA

Johnny Harris

Johnny Harris, Granbury, TX and his 1996 400 lb. trophy taken with Knock Out and Bruin Buster.

Wayne Miller

Wayne Miller, Aberdeen, SD, says our Old Formula No Scent Spray & Elk In Heat Gel kept him undetected. Shot was 20 yards.

Steve Futch

Steve Futch, Pasadena, CA, and a super bull. Steve has used James Valley Scents for years.

Johnny Harris

Johnny Harris, Granbury, TX, holds up the bottle of Elk In Heat Gel that helped him harvest this P&Y bull.

Hans Rutschmann

Hans Rutschmann, Abbotsford, British Columbia, and another happy hunter with a nice bull.

Pat Schellschmidt

Dear John, I had another fine year of hunting thanks to your scents. Went hunting elk out west and your elk scents proved to be a valuable tool which helped in my success as wel as my hunting parthers’. I shot a large heavy beamed 6 by 6 at 8 yards with my bow. Your Cow Elk in Heat Lure allowed me to get right into this bull’s herd. My hunting buddies also had great success in getting right in on her bulls, one shooting a 5 by 5 and the other scoring a huge 6 by 6 at 20 yards. After using your scents for the past 5 years for deer it really didn’t surprise me that your elk lures worked just as well. It was the hunt of a lifetime thanks to some hard hunting and your fine lures. Thanks once again for producing fine hunting products.

Pat Schellschmidt, Lansing, IA

Bill Gogol

This bull came into our Cow Elk/Heat Lure. Score is 364”.

Bill Gogol, Westfield, MA

Gary Clancy

Nationally known outdoor writer Gary Clancy, Byron, MN, and a nice bull taken with our Cow Elk Lure.

Jim Maxwell

Jim Maxwell, Ft. Worth, TX, holds up the bottle of Elk/Heat Gel that aided him in getting this 360” bull.

Doug Carter

Doug Carter, Aberdeen, SD and another beautiful bull. Doug has used No-Scent Spray and Fox Plus for years.

Glen Jensen

John, This nice Alaskan bull went right to a “scent station”, through 200 yds. of swamp to get to your Cow Moose in Heat lure. Thanks!

Glen Jensen, Van Buren, AR

T.J. LeFebvre

The combination of your scents and my calling techniques have produced so many monster moose in the past seven years for us. In the past 4 years, I’ve taken 9 of my friends out hunting, and have taken 9 bulls with the aid of your scents. Thanks, John, for your exceptional lures and outstanding customer service. Here is Tom Gross and myself with a dandy that was working a false scrape (wallow) doctored with your Moose-In-Heat liquid and gel.

T.J. LeFebvre, Fairbanks, AK

Wayne Rae

I put out your Moose in Heat scent in the morning & again at noon. At 2 pm this bull came down the hill grunting with every step with his head held high. I will not hunt without James Valley Scents!

Wayne Rae, Jarratt, VA

Larry Graham

Larry Graham, Ontario, Canada, took this bull as he reworked a “false rut pit” treated with our Cow Moose In Heat Gel.

Andrew Bogulski

Dear John, This is my third bull moose in three years using a combination of your Moose In Heat scent and my calling. I scent up the shoreline of the end of the lake I’m hunting in the late evening. I return the next morning and more times than not the shoreline where I placed the scent is literally torn up with bull sign. Thanks, John, for a great product and needless to say I’m not a skeptic any more.

Andrew Bogulski, Evart, MI

Bill McQuillen

I shot this bull at 15 yards using your Moose In Heat lure. He came right in. Also another bull chased us down the river for about 100 yards! P.S. I don’t recommend wearing it for cologne in moose country!

Bill McQuillen, Valley Park, MO

Kevin Ascott

I John, I made several scent trails then began calling. Soon I heard a very low “uurrgh” and within 3 minutes I had five moose within 70 yards – two cows and three bulls. Immediately, one of the two biggest bulls left the group and followed the scent trail right to the scent drag! I was amazed to see him leave the two cows to follow the scent trail. I’ve used other scents in the past 15 years but this was the first time I’ve noticed positive results. Your dedication to the quality of your impressive scents is second to none!

Kevin Ascott, Leamington, Ontario

Rob Saunders

John, Well we did it again. The Full Rut liquid did the trick on this 160” ten pointer. The scent rags were hung in two trees placed at 20 yards downwind of my stand. The buck came in and after 12 or 13 minutes, he was standing a mere 5 feet from the scent rag. The James Valley scent stopped him in his tracks and held him as I drew. He never knew I was there. Another friend of mine killed a 120 inch 8 pointer on a scent rag I set up for him. His 8 pointer had his nose in the air trying to reach the branch with the scented rag on it. Thanks for making a truly exceptional product. I have been a customer of yours since the early days and it pays to stick with quality.

Sincerely, Rob Saunders, Knoxville, TN

Mel Konietzki

Mel Konietzki, maker of the Scent Line Liquid Scent Dispenser and John Smith with John’s buck that won the Wisconsin Deep Classic! 183” Plus! This buck came right down the string with his nose following liquid Full Draw.

Scott Bast

Absolutely the best scent product made. I have been using James Valley for almost 15 years. They have done extensive product testing and use only the finest ingredients. Every other mass produced scent is like water in a bottle. It just does not work as effectively as James Valley.

James Valley also gives detailed usage instructions with each order. That’s great for the first timers of the seasoned vet not using scent the right away. The gel is so easy to use and will last a lot longer than liquid.

I have killed nearly 15 P&Y and a couple B&C. I would not have harvested nearly half of these deer if it were not for John’s fantastic product. You have to try JV this year!

Scott Bast – Takedown Outdoors

Jeff Clifford

Jeff Clifford, Edgecomb ME, got this nice moose with our Cow Moose in Heat scent.

Don Dvoroznak

Don Dvoroznak, Thompson Falls, MT and his early season yr. 2000 P&Y buck. “THE BEST AND ALWAYS WILL BE WHEN IT COMES TO GEL. THERE’S ONLY ONE WALL HANGER!”

Rick Manzi

Rick Manzi, Clay, NY, loves our gel lures & No Scent Spray. “Wow! What results! Thank you!

Scott Wehrcamp

Scott Wehrcamp, Brandon, SD, and his trophy bull. Scott used our Tree Top Raccoon Gel as a cover scent and got within 10 yards of this bull. He also had another bull and cow in close, downwind, and never got scented.

Joe Keller

Joe Keller, Baltimore, MD, and a nice 8 point buck.

Charlie Niessner

Charlie Niessner, Medford, NJ, and his 19 & 7/16” P&Y boar.

Mike Smith

Mike Smith, Butler, PA, and nephew Andy Smith with Mike’s 12 point, 21 3/4” inside spread buck.